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Ghelinta Commune actively supported the organization of the second participative-governance workshop in Piatra Neamt, Neamt County. On Godanubio Co-Creation Workshop organized by the Project Partners in collaboration with local entities, on 11 – 12 February in Piatra Neamt the GodanuBio project activities were presented by representatives of Ghelinta Commune and project objectives were discussed with the following entities:

  1. PRO WOOD Regional Wood Cluster
  2. ASTRICO Textile Cluster Nord Est
  3. Regional Development Agency North East in Romania
  4. Sustainable Village Association

As conclusions from the workshop we can summarize the followings:

  • Bioeconomy developments offer innovation potential for each region, based on local/regional resources
  • Demographic change is significant on less-developed regions, therefore higher impact can be achieve in those countries with bioeconomy based investments
  • to use bioeconomy as a tool that requires the integration of a large number of actors working together to increase the attractiveness of rural areas;
  • networking with other similar projects, creation of synergies with other projects will increase the impact on the target regions.


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Download this file (Pol_confid_site.pdf)Pol_confid_site.pdf  
  • GHID EXPLICATIV Pentru elaborarea și implementarea unitară a procedurii de sistem privind comunicarea din oficiu a informațiilor de interes public în format standardizat și deschis și asigurarea transparenței decizionale (.pdf/.doc)
  •  PROCEDURĂ DE SISTEM (.pdf/.doc)
  • sisopp
  • Va anunțăm că puteți accesa și dascărca materialele informative referitoare la măsurile de mediu și clima din anul 2021.

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