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On 30th June, 2021 under the Godanubio Project, a local event called ”Entrepreneurs' Workshop” was organized at the Mayoralty of Ghelința. This event means a new beginning, because a new series going to be launched in Ghelința, where entrepreneurs and those who want to become entrepreneurs are invited to think together, to play a role in the development of the local economy and to encourage young people to take advantage of the chances to win in business.

More than fifty entrepreneurs and young people were invited to this meeting where the GoDanuBio Project was presented as first. On this event was highlighted for the participants that Ghelința is the only rural commune in the project at international level and this is a priviledge to be project partner in such a large project consortium from manny Danube countries. Within this partnership, the aim is to involve the younger generations and to present to young people and entrepreneurs from Ghelința as many innovative topics and business ideas as possible, such as the value-added recycling of biomass residuals, etc.

At this event, Mr. István Barna Jakab, vice-president of Council of Covasna County was invited, and presented the results of the public consultation among young people in Covasna County, emphasizing the importance of young people's participation in decision making process, in building the future of Covasna County. After that presentation Ms. Andrea Szász, agronomic engineer, representative of the Szekler Farmers Regional Association, provided a detailed presentation on best practice examples in rural development, setting up new businesses by young people from rural ares. Finally, Mr. Attila Péterfi, a regional representative of Goodwill Consulting Ltd, presented public funding opportunities for development of local entrepreneurship and funding opportunities through different EU grant programmes.



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